It felt like Capital Punishment in the Nation's Capital this morning as temperatures dipped below freezing. "This is our first taste of Winter this year," said one of my local colleagues, "Until now, the weather has been terrific." "Great," I replied, "Call me when the Cherry Trees are blooming!" Anyhow, as long as I'm "suffering" -- holed-up in my hotel room -- it seems only fitting that I would attempt to address the request of a ten-year-old girl named "Pumpkin" whose mother, Dawn, often reads and comments on my blog. Pumpkin created a meme -- a list of personal questions -- and posted it on her mother's blog for everyone to answer online ("especially all the men bloggers that never do it"). I'm not a "memer" -- so this will probably be the only time I ever answer a "meme" request -- but here goes:
1. What is your name? Marty
2. How old are you? 43
3. Where are you from? Originally, Boston, but now I live in Santa Monica.
4. Do you smoke? No.
5. Do you drink? Only occasionally, when "necessary"
6. Do you have a family? If yes, please explain. Yes: My parents live in Florida during the Winter/Massachusetts during the Summer and my sister, brother-in-law and nephew live in Massachusetts.
7. What are your hobbies? Reading, Writing, Going to the Movies.
8. What is your favorite ice cream? Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup.
9. What is your favorite animal? Dogs and maybe the occasional Australian Bearded Dragon.
10. Do you wear glasses? Yes.
11. What nationality are your ancestors from? Russia, I think.
12. What color is your hair? Brown.
13. What are you wearing now? A blazer, sweater and jeans.
14. What is your favorite color? Blue but I usually wear brown because it hides coffee stains better.
15. What teacher do you remember most from your childhood? Mrs. Ryan who taught English in high school. She was great!
16. What are your pets and their names? I don't have any pets, but the top pets at 7th and Montana include: Zoey (a Tibetan Terrier), Charlie (a Polish Lowland Sheepdog), Noah (a Retriever), Toby (a Cocker Spaniel) and Sophia (an Australian Bearded Dragon).
17. What is your favorite food? Grape Tomatoes.
18. What is your job? I work in Hollywood for a big consumer electronics company.