It was a case of Auld Anxiety at 7th and Montana this morning as Mr. Transistor -- the man known for walking up and down 7th Street blasting his transistor radio -- left his pit bull tied-up in front of Our Favorite Starbucks again and disappeared for at least 30-minutes. As usual, the dog barked non-stop. "This is getting ridiculous," said Bob, "Someone ought to do something about it." "I'm on it!," I replied, whipping out my Spycam and activating the "GoRequest" application. GoRequest, for those who don't know, is an iPhone application offering a direct pipeline to the City of Santa Monica. It's easy-to-use: Just take a photo of whatever offends you, add a brief explanation, hit send and -- voila -- Instant Complaint. I took the photo above and added the following message: "This pit bull is the pits. Every morning its owner ties it up at 7th and Montana and walks away, leaving it barking nonstop. Isn't there a law against this? Oh, and the guy sitting behind the dog is wearing a Funky Turban ... please send the Fashion Police!" You might be wondering "should old acquaintance be forgot?" Let me tell you, if that old acquaintance is Mr. Transistor, the answer is definitely "yes!" Happy New Year, everyone ...!