Friday, August 11, 2006


After seeing Jenna Linnekens' comments on my previous item about her bid for Santa Monica City Council, I decided that my original post was too glib (especially my comments regarding her rascally black Lab Dante).  A number of us think Jenna has good ideas and, as hard as it is to get new candidates elected, I say let's give her a chance.  Here's to a new Jenna-ration of leadership!


  1. Thank you for your support! It is deeply appreciated!! Blogging is such an important medium to communicate.  

  2. Thank you for your support! It is deeply apprecaited!! Blogging is such an important medium to communicate.  

  3. I have lived in Santa Monica since 1989 and have sadly witnessed it's deterioration.
    I am determined to do what I can to help get Jenna Linnekens elected to our City Council.
    The years of SMRR domination have resulted in the Santa Monica we have today.
    This Santa Monica is but a dirty, smelling and sometimes scary version of it's former self.
    I love Santa Monica and will work as hard as I have to in order to get a fresh, new, young and excited City Council elected and that must include Jenna Linnekens!
    Who is with me?
    Kate Bransfield
