Monday, August 13, 2007



For months now, my parents have been telling me about their daily phone conversations with my nephew, Jackson.  He's brilliant, they say ... a Born Communicator, a True Genius.  The only thing is, he hasn't been born yet.  Every night since January they've been calling my sister in Massachusetts, asking her to put the phone up to her belly, and wishing Jackson "Good Night."  My mother tells him how much he is loved by the whole family.  My father gives him a daily lesson in life.  I've heard so much about these conversations -- and Jackson's enthusiastic responses -- that, admittedly, I was ready to "Cry Uncle."  That is, until I witnessed the phenomenon for myself last night.  Sure enough, my parents got on the phone with Jackson and -- after a brief, Pregnant Pause in the discussion -- Jackson sprang into action.  Naturally, we can hardly wait to say "hello" to Jackson in person.  He's due next month!


  1. I hate to say this, but the way your Sis has her legs in the air, she looks like she's just going to launch Jackson onto the sofa!
    Gaz ;-)

  2. What a beautiful thing!  

  3. I love this entry... It's one I can personally relate to as my daughter #1 had her baby last may. Also I remember the woddel walk we mothers to be must endure the last weeks of out pregnancy. I remember it well !. Take care and be safe. hope to hear from you real soon.. oh yah! and throw in some fun for your-self as well...You know the one about all work and no play etc,etc......tootles...kit

  4. noooo!!!, i never want to be pregnant again, oh the pain, not just the end but trying to do everyday things like washing your hair, walking,sleeping... ouch!!wish your sister well, and hello baby.Nice cute little bump too!!lucky girl. Beckie xx

  5. That is TOO classic, lol. Jackson will know his grandparents from the moment he is born. Better hone in on some of that action!

  6. I so love love love this entry...What a very lucky little Jackson that he has a family that cares soooooooo much that he is added into life before his life is to fully begin! I love it! And I love that his Grandparents will do this right now!!! You have an excellent wonderful beautiful family!

  7. That is so cool! Of course, his first birthday gift from Uncle will be his own cell phone, right? --Cin
