Tuesday, August 7, 2007



They say "progress marches on" and nowhere is that more true than Our Favorite Starbucks, where the Powers-that-Be finally installed new doors at the store entrances facing 7th Street and Montana.  While Barista Extraordinaire Nada -- who just last week fought what seemed to be a losing battle to pry the old doors open -- confirmed the good news this morning, she was uncharacteristically terse:  "They're new," she said.  Nevertheless, some had their doubts.  Greg, who is perhaps showing more signs of age than the old doors, thinks I've been fooled by a clever paint job.  As for me, I think Starbucks made a terrible mistake:  Given the nearly constant employee turnover at 7th and Montana, I think they'd be better off investing in a set of revolving doors ...!


  1. Muffin sales must be good!
    (I've started reading The Dante Code by the way. Liking it but having to skip over the descriptions of maggot-infestations. I think I'll skip supper. GACK!) --Cin

  2. My friend got me hooked on Starbuks Passion Tea w/Raspberry.  Its tastes great, especially when its hot!  Looks hot in Montana.

  3. I once worked at a 24 hour convenience store, and once when we got robbed (not my shift), the police told us to lock the doors...there wasn't a key to be found, cuz we'd never had to lock the doors before!!  Quite a fiasco!  
    xoxo ~Myra

  4. Dutch Doors would have been a tease, and French Doors would have been to goash. What can I say, other then I think you might be exactly right!...lol

  5. New doors, but old Greg? He's kinds cute what ever age he is ;-) Hey, have they changed the light bulb over the counter yet?

  6. New doors huh? Well with the kind of money Starbucks generates you'd think they would put in those automatic doors the kind that open when you get close to them hehehehe. Great pics by the way. You certianly have a knack for reporting daily hussle and bussle stuff. I bet you are a great observer and love to just sit and watch people. I used to love to go to the airport before all the security and you could go to the gates without a ticket and just watch people. I had a first date one time doing that. I love to meet new people and learn about them. I currently work in a gas station/convience store that is right off the highway near a small town. I love to hear the travelers stories of where they are going and where they are from, especially why they are traveling. It is so amazing to me to hear people say they just got the bug to move somewhere they have never been and just uproot to do that. Take care...smiles...

  7. nice doors nicer greg! beckie x
