Friday, September 7, 2007



Divination was in the cards last night as I stumbled across "Thakiti the Card Reader" while waiting for some colleagues to join me for dinner.  Thakiti spends his days sitting at a card table on 16th Street in Denver, plotting people's futures with a deck of cards and a laptop computer.  For a small donation, he'll plot your birthchart and present you with a confusing printout that will only make sense if you purchase his book for $19.99.  Anyway, I had some time to kill, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  "Welcome," said Thakiti.  "The future is not as mysterious as you might think."  He went on to explain that everyone has a "birth card" based on their birthdate.  The suit of your card -- hearts, clubs, diamonds or spades -- also reveals your strong suit as a person.  Hearts are emotional;  Clubs are mental;  Diamonds are financial;  and Spades are spiritual.  I gave Thakiti my birthdate and he entered it in his computer.  "Ahhhhhhh," he said after several minutes.  "Very interesting ...!"  At that point, my phone rang.  My colleagues were looking for me.  "Sorry, Thakiti, but I have to run," I said.  "Can you just give me a quick overview?"  "Well," he said ominously, "You are the King of Clubs.  That means you are the most intelligent man in the deck.  You have quite an interesting year ahead!"  He then handed me a printout of my future which looked a lot like a messy hand of poker and tried to sell me a decoder book that would bring it all into focus.  "Thakiti," I said, handing him a modest donation, "You've just told me that I'm the smartest man in the deck.  I think I'll take a pass on the book ...!" 


  1. Hahahha very wise young man!!! You just may be the smartest in the deck heheheh as I would have at that point put off the dinner let him jive me more and left feeling less in my pocket and more hope in my future which I can get from myself tho I already know this just can't hurt to hear it from another who claims to be a pro hehehehe. So hehehhe yes Marty you are a very smart man hehehhe ok maybe I am just wise but blonde? hehehhe smiles....

  2. Smarter than your average bear huh?
    Gaz ;-)

  3. Boy...!...He set himself up for that one didn't he? Probably made entertaining dinner conversation though, huh?

  4. LOL...why is it we are so fascinated in knowing our future??!!  I have had my cards read, my numbers done, and a clairvoyant session, all in hopes of "knowing" my future.  Can't say too much of the foretelling has happened, but dang it, I want to know!!...and they always charge a small fortune.  "Smart" of you to leave when you did!!
    xoxo ~Myra

  5. A laptop and a deck of cards...he has one of the best scams I've ever seen. Thakiti must be a diamond-clubs combo. --Cin

  6. you sure run into some interesting people!! Love it!! King of Clubs-huh!! Neat!

  7. Hey im gonna try that, ill sit outside my shop and do all the asbo kids, 'Um your future is bleak i see you sat in a cell......' Beckie x
