Sunday, September 9, 2007



All Hell broke loose this morning at 7th and Montana as a mysterious newcomer -- known among insiders as "Ms. Hazelnut" -- arrived on the scene intent on Raising a Ruckus.  The fun began when she shoved a dirty mug at Barista Rob and told him to clean it for her.  When he politely asked whether she might want it filled with anything, she evidently exploded -- throwing an irrational temper tantrum for all to hear -- before finally ordering a frilly Hazelnut concoction.  The incident bothers me on a number of levels ... not only because the last thing Ms. Hazelnut needed was more caffeine, but -- more importantly -- because she disrupted the sense of Community at 7th and Montana.  Our Favorite Starbucks is like a real-life "Cheers," a place where "everyone knows your name" and people generally try to treat one another with mutual respect.  Fortunately, Ms. Hazelnut is not a "regular" customer.  Then, again, maybe that's her problem:  Perhaps she's "irregular."


  1. Sounds like ms Hazelnut is off her nut, on caffiene.Quick someone get her an evian and force her to detox!beckie x

  2. Mutual respect? Barista looks like he's getting ready to strangle her. Hands DOWN boy! Are they twins, in both photos, they look very much alike?
    Gaz ;-)

  3. Since when does the staff at Starbucks wash your dirty dishes for you? I'm bringing them a load of pots and pans! --Cin

  4. I just cannot deal with people like that.  I've seen them, they're everywhere.  I've heard them, because they want to be heard.  What a sad, pitiful life they must have if they have to treat others with such disrespect.  One of the main reasons I don't work dealing with the public directly.  Been there, done that.  Poor Barista!!
    xoxo ~Myra

  5. I think if she were that rude to me I would have put something in her cup alright, and without washing it first!! Hehehe ok so I really wouldn't but it certianly would have crossed my mind in the moment...smiles...

  6. Drop the "hazel", she's just a "nut"!

  7. Yeah, I was thinking along the same enema, perhaps, for that one?
