Saturday, December 15, 2007


More than sixty years ago, a renowned Japanese philosopher, Kitaro Nishida, made his mark on Kyoto by walking back and forth along a tree-lined footpath on the banks of the canal leading from the centuries-old Silver Pavilion to the Eikando Temple.  Day after day, like clockwork, he walked along the carefully cultivated pathway, creating his own road to spiritual enlightenment in the process.  Today, this trail is called Philosopher's Walk in Nishida's memory and it has become something of a Thinking Man's Yellow Brick Road.  I checked it out this morning, following the flagstone pathway as it wound its way through quiet, residential streets, past shrines, temples and artisans' workshops.  Interestingly, there wasn't a Starbucks to be found but -- fear not -- I'm on my way home and the first thing I'll do on arriving this afternoon is take a nice, philosophical walk to 7th and Montana!


  1. I am so glad you are on your way home... beautiful pics!  Just lovely...

    be well,

  2. You're killing me with these photos. I want to go there!
    Oh, don't forget: Tentacle Surprise makes the perfect holiday gift for your friends back home. --Cin

  3. I can see why a walk like that would tend to let your mind wonder...So much to look at, and so much to think about!....Glad though, that your philosphecol self is wondering on home...have a nice trip, and be safe...kit

  4. The family and I tried out a local japanese resteraunt and the food was good.  It did not include some of the delacatcies mentioned in your past post, lol.  That was beautiful footage, so peaceful!

  5. Next time you go to Japan, go on the bullet train. Just remember to stay awake, I sat down in my seat and woke up as we were arriving......... It was cherry blossom season too. I missed the lot!

  6. I hope you never ate any dogs.Knowingly or unknowingly! Beckie x
