Monday, January 14, 2008


I've just arrived at a corporate retreat here in Heeze, a quiet village in the Netherlands where I'll be involved in some meetings over the next few days.  My journey here involved so many twists, turns and stops along the way that I'm, indeed, in somewhat of a "Haze."  After arriving at Schiphol Airport early this morning, I paid a quick visit to my friend, Marijke, who had a terrific breakfast waiting for me at her picture perfect home in Amsterdam.  Marijke declined to be photographed for my blog based on a controversial incident nearly two years ago when some imaginative readers commented that her dress resembled a marijuana leafAfter breakfast, I took a tram to the Amsterdam Central train station and made my way to Heeze, a two hour ride through green pastures and cheerful meadows.  Tonight, I'm having dinner with some colleagues at a restaurant called Koffer which, appropriately enough, means "Suitcase" in Dutch ...!


  1. Ahh, this falls under the category "The Grass(uhm) is always greener." I'd love to change lives with you today, but have a feeling I can't do your job very well. ~Mary

  2. Ahhh going to 'HQ' for Phillips, huh?  Enjoy the trip!  The photos are gorgeous!  Makes me wish I was there... no snow though?  I would have thought...  Have fun!

    be well,

  3. I really do want your job!  Amsterdam sounds great if not cold!  

  4. Marty, seems you get around to more places than Rachel Ray on her $40 dollar a day program! What an interesting job you have! Barb

  5. Martyyyyyyyyyy, Happy New Year mate, ok, so I know I am late! I love Amsterdam, it's quicker to get there by plane than Scotland, weird huh? Loveeee Marijke's flat, well cool! A Koffer case has a kind of barreled top a bit like a chest. I thought you may like to know that.
    Gaz ;-)

  6. I hope your wearing clogs.Beckie x
