Friday, January 18, 2008



It was "Trouble in Paradise" yesterday as a pair of Young Lovebirds got into a nasty spat on the night train from Eindhoven to Amsterdam.  It all began when a young couple sat across the aisle from me, speaking loudly in what sounded like Hindi.  At first I thought they were simply having an animated conversation, so I buried my face in a book.  Moments later, I couldn't help hearing what sounded like repeated slapping and muffled laughter.  A quiet glance in their direction, however, revealed that nobody was laughing:  The young woman was slapping her boyfriend for all he was worth, which didn't seem like much in her estimation based on the way she was screaming at him.  While her boyfriend wasn't hitting her back, he seemed intent on wrestling her into a stronghold.  I was perplexed.  Should I try to calm them down, report the incident to the conductor or "ignore" the situation altogether?  Fortunately, just as things were heating-up, a pair of Giggling Schoolgirls boarded the train in Utrecht, took the empty seats next to the would-be "Punch and Judy" and shamed them into silence.  I'd like to say the story has a Happy Ending, but we'll never know.  I left the train at Schiphol Airport and the Lovebirds continued on, heading towards what I fear will become their own, personal Train Wreck ...


  1. how the hell did you get their photo without getting slapped yourself! Beckie x

  2. Rather you than me taking that photo, she may have come over and slapped you too!
    Gaz ;-)

  3. wow---seems like you went to a war zone! Come home, please!  Barb

  4. Oh how amazing!  I "love" when people display unreasonable behavior in public!  I had to listen to an extremely loud cell phone conversation about how this little 17 year old girl was not coming home and her mom was the b*tch of the century over dinner one night!  Unreal.  People are crazy!

  5. I think if most of us were confronted by something like this, we'd react the same because it is shocking.  Such behaviors do not normally reveal themselves in a public forum.  But these days people are not sensitive to those around them.  Its the instant anger and losing their control that seems to fill their world and unfortunately, ours.  I don't understand why couples stay together when things get to the point of losing control.  How can one say they love someone and then treat them so horribly in another instant - why - because the other person made them feel bad?  So, that makes it okay to tear them down verbally or worse, use physical violence?  Too sad.

  6. LOL... Oh my... how awful must it be that you can't hold your fighting until you get home!  Sheesh!

    be well,

  7. I have seen a few of these public displays of affection , not that I would ever participate lol
    I received the link to your journal thru magic smoke I would like to invite you to my journey,

  8. Ah the wonders of cell cameras.  ;-)

  9. What an awkward situation to be in...the onlooker.  At least you weren't a participant...which you may have become had you intervened.  Ever heard of an innocent bystander!
    xoxo ~Myra
