Tuesday, February 5, 2008



I arrived at 7th and Montana Justin time this morning to catch a Boy Band Wannabe smoking up a storm in front of Our Favorite Starbucks.  "Get a load of Justin Timberlake over there," I said to Susan, who -- after one look at the Baggy Jeans, Skater Shoes, and Obligatory Bandana -- replied, "That's not Justin, it's just another Butt-head."  California State Law prohibits smoking within 20 feet of entrances, exits or operable windows of a public building.  But don't try telling that to our would-be Justin.  He was too busy blowing smoke in our direction and throwing his cigarette butt on the ground.  What an Ash-hole!  Next time, I'm calling the City's Smoking Violation Hotline at 310-458-8923 ...!


  1. There is not a smoking violation hotline!  Too funny.

  2. Our county just recently passed a no smoking law in restraunts and businesses.  The local hicks where in an uproar about their constitutional rights being violated.  I say I have a right to freedom from lung cancer.  They think the nonsmokers should stay at home if they don't want cancer.  Somehow making them wait till they get to their car to slowly kill themselves is a violation of their rights.  "Next they be takin' our beer away tu!"  Yeah, hillbilly, right along with your nascar.  ;)  California always gets the good stuff first.  Damn you hollywood, warm weather having bastards.  ;)

  3. I would have got that thrown away ciggie and then rammed it up his ash-hole and then run fro my life ;-)

  4. That is a life aggrivation to me, not just because I don't smoke - but because I don't see the point in people littering.  It annoys me!  I truly believe they have talked themselves into the fact its just a little piece of whatever so it doesn't matter.  Well add all those lil pieces of whatevers up and when you are stopped at a light sometime for a few moments, take a good look.  It might be job security for the community service traffic violators but in my book it just stinks (literally)!  If you must smoke do so away from me, but that does not give one a right to litter!  Grrrr!  

  5. justin timberfake more like. beckie x

  6. What a violation of YOUR right to breathe clean air...oh wait, you're in CA!  How rude.
    xoxo ~Myra

  7. LOL, I think you said it best! Ash-hole

  8. Hehehe...ash-hole...good one...I need to remember that.  You know, I was thinking, that it might be fun to do a J-land community shoot of each Landers' Starbucks location.  What do you think? ;)  C.

  9. They have the same law here in NY. The thing is I'm not sure why they have a law they are not likely to charge you with. Kind of goes hand in hand with the idiots still driving around with talking on cell phones. When was the last time you heard someone actually get a penalty for it?....(Hugs) Indigo
