Tuesday, February 19, 2008



Over the years, I've eaten just about anything you could shake a stick at in Japan.  Wiggling Jellyfish, Sea Urchins a la Mode, Tentacle Surprise ... you name it, I've tried it.  That's why I was so shocked tonight when the waitress brought me something new:  A Living Fish-Kabob.  Imagine, if you will, a whole, raw fish, skewered down the center, going into what looked like cardiac arrest on your plate.  Forget the skewer, I wouldn't touch this dish with a ten foot pole ...!


  1. YIEKES!!  Even the apple fritter is starting to look about now!
    xoxo ~Myra

  2. The picture didn't show up but I can only imagine the horror!  I'd stick with the rice.

  3. Oh my gosh! That sounds awful--were you suppose to give it mouth to mouth??Thanks, Marty for your nice comments on my journal. Hurry home, I don't like to think of "my kids" in foreign lands! Barb

  4. Apparently they don't have animal activist groups in Japan.....How cruel, crude and yuck...I wouldn't of touched it either except to perhaps put it out of it's misery. (Hugs) Indigo

  5. If it's living it's cruel, but I have to say, I did find much beauty in the way the food was prepared and presented while in Japan, the thought of eating sea slug repulsed me, but when it got past the adams apple it wasn't too bad!

  6. =( Poor little ugly fishy!  I can't eat ANYTHING if it's staring back at me, alive or dead.  And I'm not a fan of seafood.  The only thing I eat is fried clams.  Poor poor fishy!  ;)

  7. As a fish lover, (and yes my fish do kiss but they are actually fighting;))
    I would be very offended by a wrigling speared fish and would of promptly removed the offending skewer and stuck it up his japs eye and seen if he liked it.
    >)))).> beckie x

  8. Oooooh man !!! That reminds me of a horror story my dad told me about having to do with live monkey brains in Tiland....eeeeyou!...kit

  9. Hmm, gee, how can I redirect negative conditioning against eating alive squirming fish?  Opps, I can't. I'd be having a pb&j sandwich back in my room later. ~Mary
