Tuesday, April 22, 2008



They say that "revenge is a dish best served cold," but tonight in Athens I had a chance to serve it up Piping Hot and Marinated in its Own Juices.  You see, my company is hosting most of the Movie Studios and Japanese Electronics Companies here in Athens this week.  Tonight, we held a Special Banquet featuring traditional Greek Cuisine and the Chef at our hotel went all out to create something "extraordinary."  I happened to be standing next to a Japanese Muckety-Muck when the main course was wheeled into the room.

Japanese Muckety Muck:  Ahhh ... Marty-san ... what is that?!?

Me:  It's a Complete Lamb, roasted especially for you. 

Japanese Muckety Muck:  Ahhh ... errr ...  

Me:  Doesn't it look delicious?  It's been divided into sections to fit into the pot, but don't worry ... it's all there!

Japanese Muckety Muck:  But .. well ... I can see the Head.  It's looking at me.

Me:  Yes, the eyes do tend to follow you don't they ... sort of like the Mona Lisa.

Japanese Muckety Muck:  Thank you, but I do not think I can eat that.  Not with the eyes ...

And so the Eyes have it!  Finally, after years of eating all manner of Wiggling, Jiggling Atrocities abroad, I've successfully managed to "gross out" someone whose idea of a good meal ranges from Fish Ovaries to Tentacles du Jour.  My work here is done ...!


  1. Don't you feel cheated?  I mean didn't you have to eat all those strange dishes abroad and now your friend won't even touch the lamb?  Not fair!

  2. Ha!  That really is funny!  I can't imagine being able to gross out an Asian!

  3. I love lamb---but with the head?? No thanks!


  4. "And may the Force be with you!"...lol !...Now THAT was funny! I just love it when you're feisty. OOoouuuuuu!, I just flashed on all of the squiggly, wiggly, quirky stuff they wanted you to try on your last trip to Japan...Whoa !

  5. Looks yummy to me. Of course I am so tired right now that I thought you were in Athens, Georgia when I saw the headline. I think I need some coffee with that sheep. --Cin

  6. LOL  Glad you you were able to return the gross out favor!  LOL

    be well,

  7. Lamb Head. Uhm. I can't even "start" one of those little Easter Lamb Butters without a pang of guilt.
    Like the Mona Lisa. Ha Ha Ha ~Mary

  8. Now Mr Japanese Muckety Muk knows exactly how you have felt at his table!  Revenge is sweet, my friend :)
    xoxo ~Myra

  9. I couldnt eat that either, you never know the japanese, the poor thing may have got up and ambled off.Beckie x
