Tuesday, April 15, 2008



The Dog Whisperer made the scene today at 7th and Montana ... and, no, I don't mean Cesar Millan from the National Geographic Channel.  A Pugnacious Puppyphile swooped-in, intent on treating her lap dog to a seat inside Our Favorite Starbucks and, for all I know, a steaming cup of Pike's Place Blend.  I gaped in astonishment as the Young Woman in Question made herself comfortable, cooing and caressing her dog as if it were a Newborn Infant.  Don't get me wrong, some of my Best Friends are dogs -- and this particular puppy didn't slobber any more than some of the Regulars at 7th and Montana -- but I couldn't help thinking something was terribly wrong.  Oh, well ... hopefully the Little Animal has been Housebroken ...!


  1. My kitten has FINALLY got the message that she is not welcome on the kitchen table. Pugnacious Puppy Lover just needs some firm TRAINING. Jeesh! --Cin

  2. Oh yeah, the dog belongs outside!  He might sneak an apple fritter.  And then what will you have left to eat?!

  3. Am I the only person kinda freaked out by pugs?  :-P


  4. are you sure thats coffee your drinking lol! Beckie x

  5. Awww... he is very cute!  I guess she is very sure he won't pee indoors!  

    be well,

  6. I'm sure you are aware that some people think of, and treat their dogs as if they are their children...I have no problem with that myself but, you have to draw the line some where...I don't care to have dogs around the table when I'm eating, or under foot when I'm cooking...but that's me!...you know?...kittie

  7. I was dining al fresco a couple of years ago, and a woman next to us, pulled out her dog dish, poured some water from her glass, and her dog started lapping it up.  The dog was on a chair, with its paws on the table.  When the lady got her order, yup, she pulled out a dog plate, portioned out some of her food, and gave it to the dog.  It was disgusting.  What's more...no one said anything!!  Not even me :(
    xoxo ~Myra

  8. Pickles is a working dog so she pretty much goes everywhere with me...however I love her being a dog. She's an animal and I appreciate that about her, you won't see me trying to humanize her. I've never understood how someone can dress up an animal in clothing and shoes as if they were a baby and expect them to be comfortable. Instead of trying to humanize her dog, perhaps she should take a few lessons from it, and learn to love unconditionally as it is. (Hugs) Indigo

  9. I just wanted to add, Pickles has never ever been fed human food from the table. We go to a restaurant and she lays quietly under the table. More often than not, even the waitress doesn't realize she's there. Quite an accomplishment from a 55lb animal. (Hugs) Indy
