Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Excitement was brewing at 7th and Montana this morning and if you don't believe me, just ask Baristas Trina and Amanda.  "Have you heard the news,?" said Trina, "Natalie is expecting another baby!"  "Yes, I've heard," I responded, "Isn't it great?  Baby Helena is going to be a sister!"  Trina, herself more than 8-months pregnant, looked at me expectantly.  "So, have you put it in the Blog, yet?," she asked.  "Well, err, not yet," I admitted.  A brief, Pregnant Pause ensued, during which I could almost feel my News Judgement being called into question.  "I'll mention it today," I promised, and went outside to lick my wounds.  Moments later, Greg, Natalie and Helena walked by.  "Word is spreading," I told them, "Everyone in Starbucks is talking about your Big News!"  "I know," said Greg proudly.  "By the way, they were asking if it's in the Blog yet ..."  So, remember, folks, you heard it here Second:  Please join me in congratulating Greg, Natalie and Helena and watch this space for further updates ...!


  1. yippee greg and natalie

  2. Uh oh!  Sounds like you are slacking!
    Congrats to the soon to be very tired parents!

  3. congratulations! your mad but hey kids are great when they are asleep beckie x

  4. Her I thought I was getting the news firsthand, only to discover its second hand news!!  What is this world coming to??  
    Congrats to the happy family :)
    xoxo ~myra

  5. Congratulations to the happy family! I'm sure little Helena would love having a little brother or sister. (Hugs) Indigo
