Sunday, May 11, 2008



Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "Whitey," the Happy Peddler of Sunset Strip.  Whitey has a job he can really sink his teeth into:  He sells Tooth Whitening treatments door-to-door in the West Hollywood/Beverly Hills area.  He stopped by my office on Friday, unannounced, to spread the word about a "one-time only, extra special offer for Mother's Day." "Hello," he chirped, in a voice that sounded like Minnie Mouse on Nitrous Oxide, "I work for the Dentist across the street.  May I interest you in a little Tooth Whitening for Mother's Day?"  He handed me a Voucher entitling the recipient to a complete Tooth Whitening Treatment ("valued at over $400") for the low, low price of only $60.  "Wow!," I exclaimed, reaching for my camera, "That's less than $1.88 per tooth!"  "Yes," he said, "But you have to act now.  This offer is only good for Mother's Day."  After much discussion (and several candid photographs), I finally said, "Sorry, I'll have to take a pass" and escorted him to the door.  Let's face it, in the Pantheon of Mother's Day Gifts, a "Tooth Whitening Treatment" from a door-to-door salesman seems a bit insulting.  I'd rather give Mom a little Plaque ...!


  1. You need to change your last name to Punn, lol.

  2. If you give me a tooth whitening voucher you can surely expect a brush off in return.

  3. Too funny!  Love the plaque joke!

  4. LOL...amazing all the little pop up businesses that "pop up" just in time for any holiday!  There was a makeshift flower vendor on a street corner in town on my way to mom's this morning...on my way back, it had sold out!
    xoxo ~Myra

  5. seriously, do you have you own little 'ba dum dum' recorded - so you can play it as needed!??  you should!  LOL


  6. some places down south that is a hell of alot of money for one tooth! lmao! thanks!

  7. I get window sellers, mortgage lenders and satellite dish installers knocking my door.Ive yet to have a dentist.Only in the usa as they say.Beckie x

  8. He stopped by my office as well. I was unable to determine if I was talking to a man or woman so I opted for the SNL safety term and reffered to him as Pat

  9.'s in the same arena as a Sports Bar Doc and I went to for dinner. A friend had recommended the place and it was wall to wall Tv's. The food was horrible ( I think said friend may have been blind sided with all the sports talk going on when he had eaten there). They had flyers on all the tables about bringing Mom in for Mother's Day and getting a discount. I could see it now the men riveted to the tvs and the women feeling like they got a slap for the day. (Hugs) Indigo
