Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hats Off to my Friends and Neighbors at 7th and Montana this week for giving me some Constructive Criticism about my Blog.  "You're making us look like a bunch of Wackadoos," said Joyce, "Maybe you should try to cover some of the Regular Folks, too!"  Perhaps Joyce is right.  Research suggests that five out of six people at Our Favorite Starbucks consider themselves "Completely Average."  The sixth person (pictured above) is Ace Photographer Kovar, who just this morning donned a Ridiculous Straw Hat -- a "leave behind" from a previous customer -- in an effort to get into my Blog.  "It's been a while," he said, "Will this hat make me more Blogworthy?"  Indeed it will, Kovar!  In related news, the Mad Hatter otherwise known as The Jittery Nutcase returned to 7th and Montana today after a Brief Hiatus.  Rumor has it he served a two-month sentence for Assault with a Deadly Hot Chocolate ...!


  1. The "Wackadoos" make good copy...while the "Regular Folks" aren't prone to Wackadoo extremes, unless those activities occur in the privacy of their own homes ;)~  It's the same in public relations and the news business--99% of the world is full of regular folks living good lives, which is pretty what is expected.  The 1% of out-of-the-ordinary activity is what news is made of--because it is out-of-the-ordinary.  That's why newspapers and news shows carry so much reporting of "wackadoo" things...they're out of the ordinary.  That theory of reporting can make it seem like the world's gone mad...when really...it's a world of ordinary folks with the extraordinary elevated to print level.  Now, if Joyce were to appear in a sequined bikini top, mini-skirt, mahvelous hat, mysterious shades and high heels some morning...I'll bet THAT would put one "Regular Folk" into Marty's blog! :))

  2. Hi Kovar!!! ::: waving :::  Thanks for the good wishes today, Marty.  I don't think I am very strong, just pushed along thanks to the kids... lol

    be well,

  3. I know that hat , I thinks it came from a cheech & chong movie up in smoke!

  4. We don't want to read about the 'normal' people, we wanna read about the nut cases, isn't that what life's all about?
    I'm sure you could dish the dirt on a few regulars and then run for your life ;-)
    If I send a few of my mates over for a coffee, it'll take all day for you to write an entry.
    Gaz ;-)

  5. Awww, the regulars are feeling a bit neglected!  Spread the love...
    xoxo ~Myra

  6. Normal(Regular) isn't all it's cracked up to be. I think it's great the regulars read your blog and give you critic sound bites. (Hugs)Indigo

  7. nobody is normal-nice hat-beckie x
