Tuesday, August 5, 2008



What does the Starbucks at Lincoln and Montana have in common with the Javan Rhino and the Arakan Forest Turtle?  They're all on the Endangered Species List, that's what.  Rumor has it that Starbucks Management is gearing-up to close their location on Lincoln.  It seems like only yesterday -- though it was actually June 1, 2007 -- that a Bewildered Young Barista first opened the doors of what would become the third Starbucks in a one-block radius.  Sources close to the situation say it was inevitable that "something had to give," but that Our Favorite Starbucks, which is just 236 steps away from the Doomed Location, will remain open.  Just to be safe, I sent an e-mail to the Starbucks Regional District Manager this afternoon.  "Dear Tina," I wrote, "We haven't met but I am a frequent customer at your location at 7th and Montana in Santa Monica ... (It) has a real sense of Community that you don't always find at other Starbucks locations and the staff is always friendly and courteous."  I went on:  "I just have one bit of Constructive Criticism:  Your Apple Fritters Look Scary ...!"  


  1. Ya never mentioned the Merrick Muffins? What's the reflection in the window Marti, it looks like some kind of mountain?

  2. You should send Tina a link to your blog...well maybe not, LOL.  I vote its a tree in the window, not a mountain!

  3. Actually, at my Starbucks a lot of talk has gone on about that book: How Starbucks Saved My Life, & the fact that the author claims it is the BEST place to work & that staff is always respectful & pleasant, at all locations.  While I am sure that isn't truly everywhere, I have found at the few I frequent the staff is a lot nicer than, say, the staff at a different chain I go to on occasion. A LOT NICER. ~Mary

  4. not enogh nutters to keep it open i suppose their all down your end.Beckie x
