Saturday, October 11, 2008


Kids sure grow up fast these days! It seems like just last month that my nephew, Jackson, was celebrating his first birthday. Now, he's riding a motorcycle and cursing like a sailor. The motorcycle, a "Kiddie Kawasaki," was a gift from a neighbor. We're not sure, however, where he picked up his new found "profanity." Somewhere along the line, in recent days, he's added a couple of choice words to his rapidly growing vocabulary. I'm sure it will pass, that he'll forget about it in time, but he's obviously drinking-in everything around him at an astonishing rate. Let's just hope he doesn't drink and drive ...!


  1. You've heard of the terror of Colorado Blvd. ..well, now we may have the future Monster of Montana and 7th!

  2. He is so cute! And you are in MA in October. I'm jealous!

  3. OMG!! I remember when he was born!! What a cutie...just don't get in his way uncle Marty...or he'll run you down!

  4. Jackson is the man! LOL

    Hey have to share this one with was on the local news about the problems in DC's chinatown with the youth. Apparently, the teens are out of control and someone has started a blog about it called "7th and Hell" LOL. I am going to try and find it and will email the link to you, if I'm so lucky. Have a great day!

  5. OMG!! Jackson is getting so big! Adorable nephew there... they do grow fast... too fast. Love the new digs! :-)

    be well...

  6. Yes they do grow up fast. I remember the first time Sky heard her dad say sh**. She made a song out of it for weeks on end, before we could get her to stop. It's funny how easily they pick up certain things. (Hugs)Indigo

  7. Like Traci, I too am jealous your in Ma in October.
    Jackson is so cute. All he needs now is the leather jacket.
