Thursday, October 16, 2008


Shock waves rippled across 7th and Montana this morning as Screenwriter Mark made the scene without his brother, Rob, the other half of the Dynamic Duo known for cranking out Hit TV shows and movies from a table at Our Favorite Starbucks. "I'm not expecting Rob this morning, so I'm not really working," Mark explained, though his eyes occasionally darted to his notebook as if it were calling to him. The fact is, work never seems far from his mind. Moments after regaling the crowd with Tales from the TV Trenches, he dove into what he called his MacGyver mode, creating some badly needed shade with just the use of a pair of Coffee Stirrers. Meanwhile, as for Brother Rob, he was last seen Late Last Night paling around with Jennifer Aniston and Heidi Klum at the Beverly Hills home of Courtney Cox and David Arquette. Arquette was hosting an A-List Fashion Show to celebrate the launch of his new clothing line, Propr. Rumor has it the Screenwriter Brothers raided the hors d'oeuvres while a team of "Water Dancers" performed a Busby Berkeley-style musical number in Cox's pool. I'd say more, but it wouldn't exactly be Propr ...!