Thursday, November 20, 2008


What could be worse for a celebrity than constantly being hassled by fans and paparazzi? Not being hassled, that's what. Just ask David Hasselhoff. The former Baywatch star was remarkably hassle-free when he made the scene yesterday at Ambrosia, a quaint, sidewalk cafe near my office on Sunset Strip. The "Hoff," as his friends call him, burst into the cafe, intent on being noticed. He ripped off his sunglasses with a dramatic flourish, strode-up to the counter and asked the cashier loudly, "Can you change $1,000?" No one seemed to notice. Apparently, the clientele -- talent agents, mostly -- were too busy eating their young to notice him. Then he said, "I'm in desperate need of quarters!" Still, no one noticed. The poor guy. Ever since they cancelled Baywatch, he's been struggling to keep his head above C-Level ...


  1. Good ole hasseloff should jump off

  2. Hahaha! O, how the mighty have fallen. Just remember what they say: don't hassle the Hoff! ;)

  3. I never was a fan, although I tolerated the car show. What was the name?

  4. His daughter goes to the UofA, and the first couple of games he insisted (thats the scoop) on sitting with her in the Zona Zoo (student section). All the kids were in awe of him, at one point the whole Zona Zoo was screaming "Hoff Hoff"...he was loving it! Another time, he was down on the field, posing, acting a fool, and his poor daughter was always 2-3 steps behind him! I'll bet she was mortified! Dude needs to get a life...his own!

  5. I think he's a victim of pop culture, we gotta look deeper into his plastic soul!

  6. What is SO scary is that he's realy popular in Germany as a Rock star....... OMG, can you imagine that????

  7. HA! No one has change for a $1,000 to bad...
