Thursday, December 11, 2008


Eyes were popping here in Miyazaki last night as I joined my colleagues for dinner at Warashibe, one of the nicest restaurants in town. For the most part, the dinner was great: Course after course of dishes so exquisite they looked like works of art. Then came something that made me think twice: A plate of what looked like lemon meringue sitting on a mysterious gelatinous substance, topped with Roe or fish eggs. I knew something was up. My Japanese companions grew silent and even my colleague from China -- the one who eats bugs soaked in wine sauce for lunch -- looked at it suspiciously. Everyone was watching me out of the corner of their eyes, just waiting for me to dig in so they could, as usual, astonish me with the answer after I had taken my first bite. I held my ground. Finally, I heard someone whisper: "Male Organs of the Codfish." "What?!?," I exclaimed loudly, "Did I just hear you say this is a Fish Penis?" "Yes, Marty," said one of my colleagues, "But we're trying to think of the exact translation." I later learned that the dish is called Shirako and that it is an "acquired taste" even among the Japanese. It's made from "male fish sperm sacs" and is best served as a "tsunami" or snack. Needless to say, I took a pass. Later, when one of my Japanese colleagues asked how I enjoyed the evening, I said, "It was great, thanks ... I had a Ball!"


  1. Your lucky they did not serve you rocky mountain oysters !
    Your right it looked a little fishy to me! Lol!

  2. Your parting shot made me laugh out loud!

    I love trying new things, but I think I'd have to draw the line there. "Hold the testicles, please!" Hahaha!


  3. How did that even get ordered for you? Did someone try an prank you :o)

  4. YIKES!! What would your choice be between this dish and an apple fritter?? Oh my, a tough choice!

  5. I bet Starbucks oatmeal would taste real good right about now!

  6. I had better be more careful next time I order Matzo Ball soup or spaghetti and meatballs.

  7. I'd have had my own "tsunami" after eating those, but in my underpants!
    Gaz ;-)
