Sunday, December 21, 2008


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Typhoid Tillie. Tillie raised a ruckus this morning at 7th and Montana when -- as she paid for her cappuccino -- she warned Barista Kenisha, "Be careful, research shows that the average dollar bill has 1,014 germs on it." "I'm sorry," I chimed-in, "What did you say?" "Oh," she chirped, "I just heard on the radio that the average dollar bill is infested with germs." With that, she accepted her change from Kenisha and made an accidental grab for my coffee cup. Realizing her mistake, she passed me my cup. I looked at the cup, then at her hand -- which was still clutching several dollar bills -- and couldn't help wondering if there was a hidden camera somewhere shooting a Purell commercial. As Tillie walked out the door, I couldn't resist calling out to her: "Be careful with that door handle ... research shows you might as well soak your hand in a Petri Dish ...!"


  1. Germs are everywhere, I find it better to not research this. Also, I find that coffee and beer kill all nasties :o)

  2. She was quite the ray of sunshine, wasn't she?

    I could probably point out all kinds of bacteria-laden things in public places, or talk about the allowable amounts of such things as insect parts in the foods that we buy...but I've found that it kind of turns people off. I hope Tillie figures that out, too!

    Hugs, Beth

  3. sounds like she had her undies in a tillie.. LOL.. germs are everywhere... get over it...

  4. Don't worry about it you bring back more germs when you travel

  5. You should of told her you would take all her germ ridden bills off her hands to make sure she stood healthy. You know since you're such a nice guy.

  6. I'd have sprayed her with dettol!
    Gaz ;-)

  7. If we panicked about the truth of just how many germs exist and where they can be found....well none of us would ever leave our homes. (Hugs)Indigo
