Monday, March 23, 2009

THE CAT'S MEOW ... AT 30,000 FEET!

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "Cat Stevens," the Crazy Cat sitting across from me tonight on my flight back to L.A. At first glance, he seemed like a run-of-the-mill business traveler -- perhaps a tad eccentric given that he boarded the flight clutching a "Mary Poppins"-style carpet bag covered with embroidered flowers -- but otherwise harmless. A closer look closer, however, revealed the unmistakable signs of a Purrfectly Certifiable Lunatic. I knew something was up as soon as someone tried to sit in the seat next to him. "This seat is taken!," he hissed, placing his carpet bag on the seat next to him and eyeing it protectively. Moments later, a series of high-pitched moans and whines began to emanate from the bag. "Cat" tried his best to mask the sounds with his jacket, but it was all to no avail. The cat was out of the bag, so to speak. It was an Orange Tabby and it didn't seem too happy to be flying the friendly skies. In fact, it urinated somewhere over the Great Lakes. What was this guy doing traveling with his beloved cat? Rumor has it they're eloping to Kathmandu ...!


  1. At least he wasn't using a pet carrier as a purse! Too these type of people just follow you wherever you go??

  2. Good grief! Who takes their cat on a plane with them?! The poor cat was probably terrified.

    Did they serve an inflight meal of Fancy Feast?

    Hugs, Beth

  3. was it the cat or the owner that urinated over the Great Lakes?

  4. Boy that was weired! The airlines won't give you latitude on your attitude, let alone a free pass on the Cat stash! So what happened when you landed?___=^..^=___Kittie.

  5. Lucky you avoided a case of cat scratch fever :o)
