Saturday, March 7, 2009


Tongues were wagging at 7th and Montana this morning as word spread that Ace Photographer Kovar finally bit the bullet and bought his very first Cell Phone. "I don't believe it," I said, as he whipped out an entry-level flip phone and pointed it in my direction., "I thought you said you'd never get a cell phone ... ever!" "Well," he explained, "I got one but I'm not giving anyone the number ... and I'll probably end up throwing it away in a few weeks, anyway." I couldn't help noticing that the phone was still wrapped in the manufacturer's protective plastic coating, though Kovar has obviously used it at least once. "I have a photo for your blog in here," he said proudly, "If I could just figure out how to get it out of the phone." I guess it goes without saying that Kovar has been dragged into the Digital Age kicking and screaming. Here, in his own words, are his views on some of the technologies that have changed our lives:
  • On Digital Photography: "It's crap. Pure crap. But if that's what my clients want, that's what they'll get."
  • On Television: "Why would anyone watch that garbage? I chucked mine out the window years ago. Why do you need it, anyway, when you have the radio?"
  • On Facebook: "I deleted everyone. What the hell do I care if someone else is walking down the street or whatever? And why would I want to know what all their lame friends are doing, too?!?"

Congratulations on your purchase, Kovar! What next, a Horseless Carriage?!?


  1. Perhaps a bed of nails and a rack?

  2. LOL! Ohhh, those darn kids and their newfangled machines!

  3. There has been nothing better then the invention of sliced bread.

  4. My Dad was the same way. He said a pencil was all the computer he ever needed. He'd say,"One end was for imput, the other was delet, and if it brakes down"( then he'd snap it in two) "You throw it away!" and he'd throw the broken pencil over his sholder!

  5. I like how Kovar thinks, LOL. Too funny.

  6. Kovar must be a very interesting person to talk to...........sometimes I think of the years gone by when life was simple and as much as I love the new technology........there are good things to say about the past too.

    Hugs, Rose

  7. Ok, I am taking your friend's side on this one :) Mark gave me my first computer before he went to Iraq so we could stay in touch. He gave me my first cell-phone when he went on his second deployment.
    And I still prefer pencil, pen and paper. I don't text-message and no one has yet told me what a twitter is (did I say that right?)
    Now if I can just figure out how to get my picuters off my cell-phone onto my laptop.

  8. Can I send him a text message?? Glen doesn't have one either, and swears he'll never get one! Maybe he'll fall like Kovar did!

  9. lol
    So are you on facebook?
    Come join my mafia wars and be my friend. lol
    Hope the weekend is going well.

  10. You mean he actually has a life? Good gravy he must have tons of time on his hands. (Hugs)Indigo

  11. Guess what? I don't have a cell phone either. A friend wants me to get one of those cheapies "for emergencies" and she'll pay for it for a year. I haven't said anything, but I don't want it.
