Friday, May 29, 2009


It was a game of Musical Chairs this morning at 7th and Montana as the mysterious newcomer known as "Mr. Z" (the Zombie) finally gave up his seat of honor by the Curb from Hell. TV Uber-Mom Meredith Baxter Birney didn't waste any time claiming the seat as her own ... and that's when the fun began. Moments later, Yet Another Unsuspecting Motorist beached his BMW on the curb, scraping his axle on the pavement and -- to the delight of many -- stranding his car on the Island of Lost Auto Parts. Meredith tried to help the driver navigate to safety, but by then the damage was already done.

"These accidents happen all the time," I called to Meredith, "You're sitting in the danger zone." "So I see," she replied. She fled to safety, only to be replaced by Actor Scott Foley, star of CBS-TV's The Unit. On the show, Foley plays a special forces operative who risks his life on globe-trotting, undercover missions ... but the real question is, "Can he survive the Curb from Hell?!?"


  1. Well, that was nice of Meredith to try to help out! I had a dream about Scott Foley the other night (I think because you've mentioned him in the past), but I can't recall what happened. Pretty scary when the players at 7th and Montana start showing up in my dreams...!

  2. Amazing and interesting things happen at 7th and Montana!

    Thank goodness for cell phones with picture features! LOL

    Hugs, Rose

  3. Did anybody break a finger nail?

  4. Sure, go into name dropping mode :o)
