Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Stepford Starbucks, the squeaky clean cafe near the Rancho Bernardo Inn where every day is "spectacular" and the baristas whistle while they work. I knew something was up as soon as I walked in the door. "Hi there ... what will it be?," asked a barista whose name, Stephanie, was neatly embroidered on her apron. "I'll have a Grande Half Caff," I said. "Spectacular," she replied. There were no super heroes wearing underpants on their head, no opera singers belting out disco favorites and no jittery nutcases throwing hot chocolate at passersby. Just a "Happy Housefrau" who hopped from table-to-table telling everyone to have a Spectacular Day while spraying everything down over and over with a bottle of window cleaner. I left before she could spray me down, too ...!


  1. I even found the boys who worked at In-n-Out Burgers to be strangely happy. Must be a San Diego thing.

  2. Hi Marty!!!

    I have missed you! Look at Ahhnold! LOL Even if you are in meetings I am so jealous that you are at Rancho Bernardo Inn!

    Thanks for the welcome, I am glad to be back!

    be well,

  3. It must be boring at times being a barista, especially if you like to move around.

  4. Next sighting, I expect Mr. Clean :o)

  5. What a SPECTACULAR entry!! You have a spectacular day, now, ok?!

  6. What was in the window cleaner? No one is that happy. At least not to my knowledge. (Hugs)Indigo
