Monday, October 5, 2009

"I FALL TO PIECES" ... AT 30,000 FEET!

Ever since 1976, when United Airlines paid a $500,000 licensing fee to George Gershwin's estate, they've been treating passengers to "Rhapsody in Blue" morning, noon and night. They play it when you board every flight; They feature it in every commercial; and they pipe it into airport lounges from L.A. to Tokyo. But, as anyone on United Flight #943 to L.A. today would agree, it's high time United changed its tune. I suggest they consider something more appropriate ... like Patsy Cline's torch song "I Fall to Pieces." Not only was the armrest in my seat (21H) falling apart -- leaving a mass of exposed wires dangling in the aisle -- but shortly before take-off a magazine rack fell off the wall and hit the passenger sitting next to me (pictured below, unconscious).


  1. You are so bad. LOL. Poor guy, unbeknownst to him he is now Blog Stationary.

    I fell asleep once on a plane, but if you have ever flown into Regan National AP, you won't want to be asleep. I woke up with the plane at an angle and seeing water out the window. What a way to wake up! Whoa! LOL.

  2. I think the theme from Skylab would be better.

  3. LOL I hope you send them an emaiL!!!

    be well

  4. Better to have things falling on the inside of the plane than on the outside :o)

  5. I think the guy has a case...but then I see lots of cases like that on the flights I take!
