Friday, November 20, 2009


Most locals know better than to cross Robin, the friendly fixture at 7th and Montana with a taste for Tai Chi, but I say go ahead and cross her ... it can be rewarding. Just ask Judy, the Neighborhood Crossing Guard. Whenever the mood strikes her -- and it struck her this morning -- Robin brings Judy a steaming Grande Drip, just because it's a nice thing to do. Today I decided to secretly trail along behind Robin and her husband, Screenwriter Nat, just to see the hand-off in action. To my surprise, by the time I arrived at Judy's post, Nat and Robin were gone, Judy seemed to have guzzled down the coffee and was already talking to another couple. Perhaps they brought her some pastry ...!


  1. Were you walking backwards?

    That is a nice gesture for them to do for the crossing guard.

  2. Hope you don't mind if I follow you for a while. We don't have a Starbucks in our small town. The McDonalds can't even get the vanillia iced coffee right. My smart pond turtles make up for it though.

  3. Was your GPS on the fritz or what Marty!? If you had walked with Robin, you could have at the very least carried the extra coffee...All kidding aside, It was a nice jesture on Robins part and on yours for making us aware of it...Thanks. I like reading about the good stuff going on in this world, there's wayyyyy to much tragic crap to have to endure. I've always loved your slant on the world at large. I appreciate YOU, my friend!
