Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jumping Jehosaphat, an Anonymous Fathead who made the scene yesterday wearing a pair of Power Stilts that made him look like a Demented Kangaroo on Steroids. "They're bouncy," he said, stating the obvious. "They sure make a statement," I replied. I neglected to inform him that the statement was 'There's a sucker born every minute.' I did a little research on the manufacturer -- Getjumpingstilts.com -- and it's the first time I've ever seen a business identify itself as "A Limited Liability Company." And if that's not enough, right after explaining that "Power Stilts will enable you to execute extraordinary athletic feats" such as "running at lightning speed" and "jumping and hopping higher than you ever thought possible," the folks at Getjumpgingstilts.com go on to say that they are "in no way responsible for any injury or death resulting from the use of Jumping Stilts." If that's not enough to make you jump, nothing will ...!


  1. Boy!... That's right up there with "Bungie Jumping" don't you think! Both equaly S_T_U_P_I_D!...in my opinion.

  2. It looks not only dumb, but rather painful. I hate to be around when that guy hits the deck.

  3. I never was graceful on a pogo stick so I think I will stick to pogo games.

  4. Yeah, but they must work the abs. Just look at that guy!
