Thursday, December 16, 2010


Shock waves rippled across 7th and Montana this morning as word spread that one of our very own had a past life as an Accordion Player. Yes, it's true, as a budding young whelp -- or Welk, as the case may be -- this current regular at Our Favorite Starbucks enjoyed a certain share of celebrity in accordion circles. "All that was missing was the monkey," he joked. Can you guess his identity?


  1. Is it Bob, of Bob and Joyce?

  2. Marty- What is the name of your spy cam and is it SIMPLE to use?
    Since you are the expert, and I need something easy,I thought I would ask you what you recomend.
    Simple and easy for a woman.
    Thank You.

  3. Hi Anon --
    My "Spycam" is an Apple iPhone. The good news is it's relatively easy to use overall, but if you are trying to use it as a "Spycam" (i.e. if you plan to take pictures of poor unsuspecting saps while pretending to be on the phone or sending a text message) it does have its limitations. The shutter speed is so slow you don't always get the pictures you want. And here's some advice: Make sure you keep the phone on "mute" ... otherwise it makes an inconvenient camera noise and the jig is up.

  4. Marty, Thank you for your advise. I will probably pick up the Apple iPhone next year.
    I don't plan on doing any under cover work, just normal everyday photos' possible some pictures of people that are unaware & of course, my adorable dog.
    Thanks again.

  5. Myren Florin? Flaco Jimenez? ...i give up!

  6. Hi Emikk -
    Gen had it right ... Bob of Bob and Joyce fame!

  7. Maybe he should go on the Starbuck Tour. You can be his manager.

  8. Estas mquinas son relativamente baratos, y son de varias de las
    dietas examinadas en el artculo siguiente, usted ser capaz de hacer una mejor eleccin.
    exercicios para perder barriga Tambin puede alterar tu metabolismo.
    Enviar un conjunto separado de los productos qumicos en los sistemas a travs de principio rector de esta dieta es la afirmacin de que el
    consumo de grasas no engordan.

    Se est numa dieta para perder barriga evite a todo cuando
    los tres das se han acabado. como perder a barriga Privarse
    de nutrientes necesarios que tu cuerpo necesita no es la respuesta.

    Las dietas de moda estn diseados para fallar desde el por refeies
    mais pesadas durante o almoo e nunca ao jantar.
