Thursday, December 2, 2010


It was Another Day, Another Zombie at 7th and Montana yesterday as yet another Space Cadet made the scene. And yes, he was sitting in the infamous chair that seems to have become the source of all things Zombie. "Good God, we've got another live one here," I said. "On second thought, maybe the word live isn't quite accurate." Indeed, he looked like death warmed over. He sat slouched in his chair, his features largely obscured by a mass of long, stringy hair. Strangely enough, he exhibited one peculiar sign of life: He was spinning something that looked like a paperweight attached to a rubber band around and around between his legs so fast you could hear it humming from across the room. He paused only occasionally to take a sip of coffee. The more coffee he drank, the faster he spun. When he left, he shot out the door like a guided missile, much faster than the average Zombie. Perhaps he was late for his Spinning Class ...


  1. I spin a little faster with coffee myself.
    I lost track of you when I stopped blogging, but thought of you today(at Starbucks-of course) when I saw a very small child eating a very big apple fritter. ~Mary

  2. He should try out for a stagger-on role in "The Walking Dead!"
