Saturday, September 3, 2011


Who would be crazy enough to ride in a hot air balloon that has the word 'Die' emblazoned across it? I guess that would be me. After a long day of work today, I made a bee-line for the Berlin Hi-Flyer -- a balloon that hovers quietly over Berlin at an altitude of nearly 500 feet -- and bought myself a ticket. Actually, 'Die' isn't the only word that appears on the side of the balloon. The other word is 'Welt.' The whole thing made me curious. "So what can I expect?," I asked the woman behind the ticket counter, "To Die or get Welts?" Actually, as it turns out "Die Welt" is the name of a local newspaper that sponsors the balloon. Once aloft, I had the time of my life. Berlin is a beautiful city and seeing it by balloon is peaceful and relaxing, almost like floating on a cloud. I decided to befriend the captain, Commander Frank. "What amazing city this is," I gushed, "It just sparkles. You Germans have given the world so much. Arts, entertainment, world class technology ... the list just goes on and on." He beamed proudly while I paused for dramatic emphasis. "Hey, wait a minute," I said, "Didn't you also give us the Hindenburg ...?!?" That pretty much ended our conversation but not to worry. I lived to tell the story ... and didn't suffer any "welts," either.


  1. Glad you are having a nice time.

  2. That would be a great thing, I would kind of enjoy a balloon ride.

  3. I'm guessing that you probably know this, but that means The World. :)

  4. Hi Beth, Thanks ... I didn't know that! When I asked some people, they just said it was the name of a newspaper.
