Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Local Lovebirds David and Kerry threw the crowd for a loop this weekend at 7th and Montana with a surprise announcement. "I have some news for you," David said, taking a long breath, "We're expecting ..." There was a pregnant pause, during which I started to wonder whether Kerry was pregnant, until Kerry herself filled the gap. "I'm NOT having a baby!," she said, playfully punching David in the arm. "We're getting a puppy," David continued, smiling. "Ahh," I said. Truth be told, anyone who knows Kerry already knew that the pitter patter of little paws was in their future, but I guess David's announcement does make it official. The bundle of joy -- a "Malti-Poo" (a hybrid cross between a Maltese and Poodle) -- should arrive just in time for the holidays. Congratulations to the happy couple!

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what to call those nasty candy malt balls from now on. -Cin
