Friday, February 17, 2012


A funny thing happened as I was pulling into my office this morning. An Anonymous Schmo wearing a headset and a baseball cap ran into the middle of the road and blocked my way. He waved his arms wildly and told me to stop my car and turn off the engine. I rolled down my windows. “What seems to be the problem?,” I asked. “We’re shooting a movie in the next building and, believe it or not, we’re picking up the sound of your engine,” he said. I thought for a moment. I was at my office building, right in front of the garage, and merely needed to pull-in. And this was, afterall, just an Anonymous Schmo, not a police officer. “This is my office,” I said flatly, “I’m right in front of the building and I need to get inside.” “Well, we’re shooting a movie next door,” said the Schmo, still blocking my way. “OK, then” I said, perturbed, “You’re shooting a movie and I’m listening to a CD.” I rolled down all my windows, turned up the bass and blasted Coldplay in full surround sound. He paused, not knowing quite what to do. I turned the volume down. “Tell you what,” I said, “That was just a sample of what I can do. I’ve got a Slim Whitman CD in the trunk and I’m not afraid to use it!” He spoke briefly to someone on the other end of his headset, presumably the sound engineer, then turned to me. “OK, you can go now,” he said. All I can say is, Thank God for Slim Whitman. And no, I don't own any of his CDs ...!