It was a Collective Sigh of Relief this morning at 7th and Montana as the suspicious-looking gentleman pictured above was found "not guilty" of counterfeiting. Sure, he might look the part, with his beady eyes, sinister mustache and devil-may-care attitude, but he's certainly no Counterfeiter. How do I know? Barista Anthony spent what seemed like five minutes holding the man's payment -- a $50 bill -- up to the light and examining it from every angle. When it was my turn to pay, however, he just smiled and put my exact change in the cash register. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll bring some Monopoly Money with me just for kicks ...!
Now that sounds just like something you would do!...lol...I know what you mean about "funny money" we've had a problem with a bunch of it circulating around here of late! Seems like it's always something!
Do you have a get out of jail card?
Wow, he looks redfaced in the picture...wild night of drinking? Perhaps embarrassed knowing he was going to end up on your blog? ha ha.
Perhaps he just has not passed GO yet.
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