Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Holy Eye of Newt, Folks, a correction is in order. Two days ago, when I reported that friend Curtis had taken some photos for my blog -- including one of a woman wearing what he described as a "witch costume" -- I jumped to the wrong conclusion. "I think she manages a clothing store on Montana," I said at the time. Well, I was wrong. Curtis e-mailed me the photo in question and it turns out we have another Sorceress in our midst. The newcomer (pictured above) is much more stylish. She made the scene wearing a long black dress, a bright blue shawl, a pilgrim cap with a purple scarf tied around it ... and a pair of sensible lace-up boots with spurs. She looked "cheerful with a twist," like the love-child of Mary Poppins and Barnabas Collins. No one knows what she's doing in town, but I, for one, hope she's here to stay!


  1. She appears to Blend in with the vast majority of Macko's . There must be a secret membership club for these charters, that you may have uncovered.

  2. You had me spitting coffee at the screen with the love child of mary and barnabas. Perfect. thanks

  3. Is it hot where you are living? She is making me break out in a sweat with all those clothes. Of course it is 100+ degrees in Maryland today, LOL.

  4. looks like a pagan priestess to me

  5. What is she going to sink those spurs into?
