Thursday, June 23, 2011


It was a picture perfect day yesterday in Vancouver ... and what a beautiful city this is. Everywhere you go, it seems, you're surrounded by nature. My hotel is on Coal Harbour, a beautiful stretch of water between Vancouver's downtown peninsula and the Brockton Peninsula of Stanley Park. The Coast Mountains, a snow-capped range extending to Alaska, give the city a majestic look, dwarfing the many glass skyscrapers that line the coast. Vancouver is a thriving metropolis. More than 2 million people live here, but it feels like a small town. Everyone is friendly, unless -- of course -- they're losing at hockey. Signs of the recent riots are still everywhere here, but mainly what you find -- in the form of graffiti along some of the major thoroughfares -- is a sense of shame. "Rioters Don't Define Us!," proclaimed one note near the city's famous Gastown District. I guess their anger at losing the Stanley Cup runneth over ...!


  1. And I was thinking it would be a lovely calm, friendly sort of experience. ~Mary

  2. I've heard it's a beautiful city. Glad you're enjoying it!

  3. Never been to Vancouver, looking forward to more details.
