Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The accountant -- known for spreading out his confidential paperwork all over Our Favorite Starbucks -- turned over a new leaf this morning. He's gone digital. I couldn't help noticing that he's using fancy new laptop. And he's not the only one to get an upgrade. I have a new Spycam and -- guess what -- it has a zoom lens. I put it to the test today, zooming-in on the accountant's paperwork and -- what a treat -- I could read account numbers in full high-definition. Later, on my flight to Vancouver, I discovered that my new Spycam has another interesting, new feature: a flash. There I was, trying to quietly photograph the Annoying Brat sitting across the aisle from me, when the flash went off. "Oops!," I said. "What was that?," asked the Annoying Brat. "That light?," I said, pointing out the window, "I think it was a UFO ... !"


  1. Good answer to the brat. Maybe that will calm him down and make him think, maybe?

  2. Marty- you heard that
    Whitey Bulger Arrested: Infamous Mob Fugitive Caught In Santa Monica.......Could you possible have him on your spy cam? He and his girlfriend lived around the corner from your Starbucks, maybe they stopped in for coffee .
    You could have cashed in on the reward.
