Saturday, July 21, 2012


Pass the Purell, folks, the Sleezemeister is back in town and he’s on the prowl at Our Favorite Starbucks.  In case you haven’t heard, the Sleezemeister – a haggard-looking man in his early 50’s – leads a double life.  He has a wife and kids stashed away somewhere back East, but rents a “Secret Love Nest” on San Vicente where he hides out for a few days each month with a bevy of prostitutes.  Neighbors report that he arrives at odd hours, orders-up a nonstop parade of hookers wearing nothing but ripped-up fishnet stockings and romps the night away ... so loudly it shakes the rafters.  “Trust me,” said one resident, “The guy’s a Walking Herpe.”  Rumor has it he’s tried ‘charming’ some of the women who live in the building, but they’re mostly focused on other things.  Like spraying the building with Lysol the minute he leaves …!


Paula said...

Clever title but the subject is worse then recycled tea. By the way recycled tea is when you don't drink all your tea they add it back to the tea container with the fresh. Yuck!

Ken Riches said...

Oh My!!!

Missie said...

Never a boring world that's for sure. LOL

Beth said...

I didn't know that Herpes had a singular! haha

Ugh, that's nasty.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen or heard from Marty?
No new Blogs!!