Monday, March 10, 2014


A funny thing happened on my flight to Rome yesterday.  Two nuns sat next to me.  Not that there's anything funny about a Flying Nun.  Lord knows it wasn't Sally Field's finest hour.  But these two -- no doubt on their way to visit the Mother Superior Ship -- were even more annoying than Sister Bertrille.  The one on the right spent most of the flight coughing in my direction ... and she didn't cover her mouth.  After four hours, I decided to take action.  "How exciting to go to Rome!," I said.  "Yes," she replied.  "We're just going for a brief visit."  "How nice," I said, "Is it comfortable traveling in a habit?"  "Oh yes," she replied, "It's fine."  "You know," I continued, "I can think of an even better habit:  Covering your mouth when you cough."  That pretty much ended the conversation.  She spent the remainder of the flight coughing in the direction of her colleague and occasionally looking at me as if she'd like to rap my knuckles with a ruler.    

1 comment:

Ken Riches said...

You are such a cad...