Sunday, February 22, 2009


Politics reigned supreme at Our Favorite Starbucks this morning as Neighbor Jonathan, a Local Political Expert (above left), made the scene with an Aspiring Young Candidate for the State Assembly. When they saw that Our Favorite City Councilman was standing by the Espresso Bar, they wasted no time schmoozing with him. "I'm telling you, you can't be shy in this business," said Jonathan as soon as the coast was clear, "You have to go right up to people like Bobby (Our Favorite City Councilman) and tell them what you're all about. You have to get your message straight and repeat it over and over. Your middle name has to become 'I'm-Brian-and-I'm-Running-for-State-Assembly!'" Wise advice, to be sure, especially coming from Jonathan. He, himself, ran for State Assembly two years ago ... and lost.


Ken Riches said...

Ouch Man, reality bites :o)

Beth said...

I take it that Jonathan didn't win that seat on the Assembly. I don't think I'd be taking advice on how to run for office from him!


Lynne said...

Did he win?

garnett109 said...

I had the runs in the court house once does that count ?

Unknown said...

That would be a "Shut up and Listen " day for me! Meaning, I would shut up and listen! As long as I could anyway!

emikk said...

You also have to have a good platform to run on, such as "two starbucks in every neighbourhood with free foam for the kiddies."