Friday, July 24, 2009


Captain's Log, Star Date 2009.07.24. The Enterprise is in Orbit around a strange and isolated world called Rancho Bernardo, where the local inhabitants think everything is "Spectacular." Broken a limb? Spectacular! Fallen off a cliff? Spectacular! Captured by the Klingons? Spectacular! I paid another visit to the local Starbucks this morning and, once again, was surprised at just how "chipper" everyone was. "Here's your Treat Receipt," chirped a Spectacular Young Barista. "Why is my receipt such a treat?," I asked. "If you bring it in after 2:00 p.m. today, we'll give you a grande cold drink for only $2.00," she said. Thanks, but no thanks. Two trips to this Starbucks in one day would be enough to put me in a Diabetic Coma, and I'm not talking about the Apple Fritters. Beam me up, Scotty ...!


Lynne said...

Whatsa matter Marty, taking you out of your comfort zone, LOL! I think your post was Spectacular!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Don't drink the coffee! Something isn't right with this picture...(Hugs)Indigo

garnett109 said...

Have A Spectacular Day Marty

Dawn said...

What a spectacular post! Have a great day! Enjoy your treat!!! WHA... it's rubbing off! AHHHHH!

be well... lol

emikk said...

we have to stop this insanity!

Ken Riches said...

How can you avoid such chipperness though, I think you need to go in the morning and get a double :o)

Anonymous said...

Do they sell a Glucagon Latte?
I know a good diabetologist...