Sunday, October 3, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "Mr. Oink," an Anonymous Newcomer who made the scene at 7th and Montana yesterday intent on treating Our Favorite Starbucks like his own personal pig sty. The fun began at the counter, when he held up the line by slowly, painstakingly deliberating over his pastry order. "Should I go for the crumb cake, a muffin or a scone?," he asked. He finally settled on all three. He brought them to a nearby table and made a colossal mess devouring each one. It was like watching the Cookie Monster in slow motion. Each time he finished a pastry, he would push a large pile of leftover crumbs from his table to the floor with a sweep of his hands ... and each time, a Barista would sweep the mess away with a broom. "Looks like we have a clean-up on aisle ten," snorted one passerby. As for me, I just think the whole thing was crumby ...!


Ken Riches said...

Hope you did not get your hands to close.

Anonymous said...

Should have whipped him up a muffin made from the floor crumbs. And some wet sponge drippings. -Cin

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Unfortunately there are persons like that every where you go. I'll bet he wiped his fingers on his cloths as well. Remember when it was that a person took pride in the way they were precived. And good manners were the excepted norm, or at least to be strived for and worked at?...sad, silly & stupid...tisk-tisk-tisk.

Paula said...

Where was his Mother when she should have been teaching him some manners?