Saturday, December 19, 2009


Heads were turning at 7th and Montana this morning as a Disgruntled Doughboy made the scene on his bicycle, cursing up a storm. Just what exactly made him so crusty? Apparently he thought an ordinary laptop bag would make a great container for an extra-large loaf of French Bread. However, no sooner did he come to a stop in front of Our Favorite Starbucks then the bread popped out of the bag like a guided missile and landed on the sidewalk with a resounding thud. "^#&*(#!," he said, angrily, "*&^%$%# ... *&^%$(!& ...!!!" Hey, Doughboy, look on the bright side, if "Lady Marmalade," an employee at the Marmalade Cafe -- home of the $5.00 brownie -- can drop bagels on the floor and put them back in the display case when she thinks no one is looking, who's to say there's anything wrong with serving-up a Sidewalk Baguette ...!


Sage Ravenwood said...

I would of at least wrapped the bread in something before hand. Then again all that warm sun in Cali. that you guys call winter is probably frying some braincells (winks). (Hugs)Indigo

Paula said...

And then he could come down here to the restaurant that got caught recycling tea.

Ken Riches said...

Sounds like you got quite a rise out of the situation.

garnett109 said...

That was a crumby story