Saturday, December 5, 2009


Eyes were popping at 7th and Montana this morning as a man made the scene balancing a Red Fright Wig on the tip of his scalp. The look was part Ringling, part Ding-a-Ling. "Good Lord," I said as he adjusted the wig, "Where did he get that head of hair, Rugs R' Us?!?" Moments later, he and his girlfriend began passing the wig back and forth, and taking turns modeling it. I couldn't resist asking him about it. "It's just a little something I found in my closet," he said, "I decided to wear it today instead of a hat." Now all he needs is a whoopee cushion and a boutonniere that squirts seltzer water ...!


Rose said...

It amazes me where do all these strange folks come from that hang out in your Starbucks?

Certainly entertaining that is for sure.

Hugs, Rose

garnett109 said...

I've seen better heads in a cabbage patch

Ken Riches said...

And either a rubber chicken or balloon animals :o)

Paula said...

Hope there are no cooties involved here.