Saturday, January 29, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Agent Orange, an Eccentric Newcomer who made the scene at 7th and Montana this morning wearing flowing orange robes, love beads, hippy sandals, layers of white warpaint and a pigtail on top of his head. No one took any particular notice of him -- you have to do a lot more than that to attract attention at Our Favorite Starbucks -- but I whipped out my Spycam just the same. "I'm feeling a flashback to 1972 coming on," I said, "Everything's groovy!" As for Agent Orange, he ordered a Grande Chai Latte which he guzzled down in less than 30-seconds while speed reading The New York Times. And then, faster than you can say "commune," he zipped out the door and dashed up 7th Street like a man on a mission. I guess you could say he was a Harried Krishna ...!


Ken Riches said...

A man on a mission.

Paula said...

Hes orange alright but I don't know about the Agent.

Beth said...

Hey, what was the Speaker of the House doing at 7th and Montana?

emikk said...

Orange ya glad he showed up?