Friday, May 27, 2011


Well, folks, I didn't get picked for the jury. It's actually worse than that: I was given the boot by a defense attorney who all but accused me of being inherently biased against her client. I can't say any more than that ... other than to note that some good did come out of the experience. I met some nice, new "friends" -- potential co-jurors -- who joined me for lunch at the only decent restaurant near the courthouse, a quaint, hole-in-the-wall that specializes in Soul Food. Nearly everything on the menu was "smothered" (chicken, pork chops or meatloaf). But what really caught my eye was a sign near the cash register that read "Smile You're on Camera." I guess two can play at that game. When the friendly hostess -- a woman so cheerful she practically smothered us in kindness -- made the rounds, I whipped out my Spycam and said, "Right back at ya ...!"


garnett109 said...

sheesh you've been out done!

Paula said...

You amaze me you find fodder for your blog wherever you go. Its kind of fun to serve on the jury or at least be called and meet people.

Ken Riches said...

Drat, foiled again :o)

Anonymous said...

That is almost exactly how I draw a face. That's why I don't often draw.
I've always gone eagerly to jury duty. I enjoy the process.~Mary