Wednesday, December 17, 2008


You'll be pleased to know that neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail can keep our Notorious Neighborhood Newspaper Thief from making his appointed rounds at 7th and Montana. Despite today's pouring rain, the Thief was in high spirits this morning, no doubt because he has a new trick up his sleeve. First he grabs a free, local newspaper from one of the machines on 7th Street, then he buries his head in it, pretending to read, while making a beeline for the newspaper stand inside Our Favorite Starbucks. When he thinks no one is looking, he slips a copy of The New York Times behind his free newspaper and runs out the door. Maybe it's time for another "Wanted: Dead or Alive" poster ...?


garnett109 said...

His Mommy really did paper train him didn't she?

Myra said...

Who does he think he's fooling?? Thanks for the rain...we are just getting it now :)

Beth said...

Shame on him! Someone should smack him on the hand when he reaches for that paper. Or maybe you could throw a fritter at him!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Maybe if everyone made a scene everytime he attempted to do this, he would get wary and go away. (Hugs)Indigo

barb said...

someone should tell the paper boy/man who delivers the paper. what a crook that guy is!!barb

Saltydawg said...

You ever considered wiring the news stand up to the mains? That would fry his chubby theiving fingers!
Gaz ;-)