Thursday, April 1, 2010


It's Tax Season and you know what that means: The Accountant, known for spreading out his confidential paperwork all over Our Favorite Starbucks, has gone into Overdrive. He made the scene yesterday not only with his usual stack of papers, but with a laptop and a speakerphone, as well. He put one of his clients on speaker and conducted a loud conversation with her about her finances for all to hear. As far as I could tell, the Poor Woman was upset that should couldn't deduct all the costs of her home office on her taxes this year. If that upset her, imagine how she'd feel if she knew she the whole crowd at Starbucks was listening ...!


Unknown said...

Either this guy's all cought up in his work, or he has an inflated sence of his self worth and wants everyone to know how important he thinks he is!

Paula said...

I think he should retire and head out on a slow boat to China.

Ken Riches said...

I want a permanent home office.